Welcome to our website

You will find the latest information about us on this page. Our company is constantly evolving and growing. We provide wide range of services to meet your families rolePlay needs!.That is Our mission is To provide Our Best so you can Be Your Best!. If after you read these pages and  still have questions don't hesitate to  contact us, please fill the contact form!

Thank you & Have a Blessed Day!

About Cherished Cherubs


cherished Cherubs Care HUD


Cherished Cherubs Care HUD 


(1) Wear the Cherub Care Newborn or Toddler by *adding not wearing* so it does not detach your diaper that is worn also on tummy

(2) Wear the Cherub Care Baby's HUD and wait for a connection

(3) Click SETUP on your HUD and choose "Name" to change your name to whatever you would like to be called and also choose your gender from SETUP

(4) Give the parent HUDs to your parents or caretakers


(HUDS are available in my store for extra parents and caretakers) 



Cherished Cherubs Care HUD. 

When I joined SL, I did not want to do the " Typical" things that everyone else did, Clubs, Adult sim's , Shopping, ect. I wanted to be a child. YES a child. 

Nothing strange about it, I did not have much of a childhood growing up, and being a child in SL well it works! It helps me get that little piece of ME that had been missing all these years. 

the Cherub Care HUD allows the family to interact together as they would in Real World!

Cherished Cherubs Community!


 Thank You!


Without the wonderful community of Second Life & Cherished Cherubs families I could not be inspired to create the items that you love to use in your daily rolePlay needs! 

I love each & Everyone of you!