Welcome to our website

You will find the latest information about us on this page. Our company is constantly evolving and growing. We provide wide range of services to meet your families rolePlay needs!.That is Our mission is To provide Our Best so you can Be Your Best!. If after you read these pages and  still have questions don't hesitate to  contact us, please fill the contact form!

Thank you & Have a Blessed Day!

About Cherished Cherubs


The Cherub Care Checklist


Once you have purchased one of the many huds from Cherished Cherubs, next comes the fun part 

The items that you use to get the system to work correctly.


* You need food. there are many shopping carts in the store, Purchase as much or as little as you like.

* Babies always need the diaper to go along with the hud! 

* Diaper bag, Always have to have a way to change the baby!

* Hygiene IS always a must! We have those care items as well. Got to keep clean!

* A  Toy! Cherished Cherubs has many toys to choose from. 

* A nursery! Babies need  to have the bedroom set in order to sleep. I have taken the time and created many nurseries. 

* Lastly Have fun! 



With the help of the staff at Cherished Cherubs we came up with a checklist to get each family started with using Cherished Cherubs Care HUD. 

We did not want to make each parent feel that they had to rob Peter to pay Paul sort of things when they used the care HUDS to role-play with.


Cherished Cherubs Community!


 Thank You!


Without the wonderful community of Second Life & Cherished Cherubs families I could not be inspired to create the items that you love to use in your daily rolePlay needs! 

I love each & Everyone of you!